7 Benefits Of Investing In Energy Efficient Windows | Lewisville, TX

7 Benefits Of Investing In Energy Efficient Windows | Lewisville, TX

Photo By gradyreese at istock

Buying new windows is a hassle both from a cost standpoint and from an installation standpoint. That is why a lot of people put off buying or installing new windows. However, there are some good reasons to take a second look at energy efficient windows. A lot of people who don’t want to spend too much opt for less efficient windows which tend to be about 15%-20% less depending on the window manufacturer you choose. However, the money you save upfront isn’t going to help you much when you look at how much money you will lose in heat loss down the line.

When you purchase windows you are making an investment that should last at least two decades if not more, so when you calculate the price you have to look at the next two decades and compare upfront costs with eventual costs. The simple truth is that energy efficient windows are the cheapest option for long-term use. Outside of being cost-effective, there are over half a dozen benefits to going with the more energy-efficient choice. Keep reading to discover why energy-efficient windows are the right choice for your home.

Lower Costs

We already briefly touched on how energy efficient windows can help you save money long-term by acting as a better shield against energy usage. However, you may actually save some money right away as well. A lot of areas have tax credits available for energy-efficient modifications to homes. You may even be able to claim a credit on your federal taxes as well. The credit can help offset the extra costs of choosing energy efficient windows so it is certainly something to look into if your household budget is tight but you want to make the most economical decision.

Stronger Insulation

Most people are aware that the major areas of energy loss in a home are the windows and doors, but if you get the right type of windows you won’t have to worry about energy loss at all. This is because energy efficient windows are able to stop UV rays and cold chills from coming through the windows. You no longer will have to worry about cold or hot spots in your home because there won’t be any.

The corner chair by the window will once again be a comfortable option and since your HVAC system will be able to evenly heat or cool your home again your energy bills should drop as a result. Most people find that they actually save a lot of money during the summer months because the windows are able to block the UV lights. With or without blinds, the hot sun won’t warm rooms up which means that you can avoid cranking up the AC throughout the spring and maybe even some summer days if you are lucky in Lewisville, TX.

Save Some Green and the Environment

Of course, all of this adds up to mean monetary savings, but energy efficient windows also are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment out. Lower energy usage converts into fewer power needs which means that your home will consume fewer fossil fuels making your style of life much more sustainable. Small changes like this in every aspect of our lives quickly add up to be large changes. If you are worried about the environment and climate change, making a change like switching to energy efficient windows can be an easy way to make an impact on your own use. It may also inspire your neighbors and the benefits will add up within your neighborhood alone.

Save Your Home from UV Rays

As mentioned earlier, energy efficient windows are able to block out UV rays almost 98% of the time, which actually does more than just help you keep your home cool. It also protects your furniture and rugs from getting slowly bleached out by the constant sunlight. UV rays can damage wood, carpets, rugs, furniture, and fabrics and if you have a home with open windows you probably have already seen the effects of constant sunlight. However, fading will be a thing of the past once you install energy efficient windows that are up for the task. 

Better Protection for Your Home

Your home decor is not the only thing that energy-efficient windows will help protect. Stronger windows with a higher energy rating are usually double pane or triple pane windows, which are much stronger than single-pane windows. The end result that they will likely be much stronger against the elements and against anyone who may consider breaking into your home. Replacing your windows can actually increase your safety within your home, which is certainly worth paying a bit more to obtain.

Less Noise Inside Your Home

While this may not be top on of your list, an added benefit of choosing a better window is that it acts as a noise insulator as well as an energy insulator. The same qualities that make high-quality windows the best insulators also silence noises that would usually seep in from outdoors such as ambient noise from roadways, railroads, and sirens. Whether you live in a suburb or a city, everyone can appreciate the benefits of living in a quieter living environment.

Less Overall Maintenance

Finally, if you aren’t a fan of cleaning windows you will be glad to hear that they are less likely to conduct condensation. This means that mold and dirt won’t appear as frequently on your windows and due to the extra UV coating dirt buildup and water spots disappear.

Ready to invest in some new windows in Lewisville, TX? Give Energy Windows Solutions a call. We offer a wide array of window options and have something to fit your personal tastes and budget.