Improving Your Home With Triple Pane Windows | Dallas, TX
Photo By jnnault at istock
Do you have triple pane windows in your home? If you do then you’re already getting some of the best benefits that you could possibly get. But if you currently don’t have triple pane windows you could actually be spending more each year in energy costs than you should be. Not to mention you might be making your family even more uncomfortable for no good reason. Does that really sound like something you want for your Dallas, TX home? Probably not, right?
First, it’s important to take a look at the different types of windows that are out there. Single pane windows are on their way out, for the most part. Most people just aren’t using them because they’re not really efficient and they’re not worth the cost. If you do have single pane windows, however, they are just that, a single piece of glass inside the window frame. They don’t protect against much and they definitely let a great deal of air in and out of the house. Not to mention they’re letting UV light from the sun into your house too.
Double pane windows are a little bit better. These are actually two different layers of glass and they have a layer of gas, such as argon, in between them. This is going to more than double the amount of protection that you get by upgrading your single pane windows. That’s because anything that wants to get into or out of your house has to go through all of those layers and that’s not going to be easy. You’ll have higher energy efficiency and lower levels of UV light traveling through, which is going to save you money and damage in the long run.
On the other hand, triple pane windows are the ones that are going to provide you with the absolute best in the way of benefits. These windows are made with three separate panes of glass. And those panes of glass are separated by two different layers of gases like that argon. And all five of those layers together can provide a great deal of protection against UV rays and the heat and cold that come from both inside and outside your home. When you have triple panes you’re protecting your home against a whole lot more than any other way.
Now, when you’re looking at getting new windows for your home you may be torn between getting double pane and triple pane windows. That’s because you’ll hear a whole lot about whether those triple pane windows are really worth it. You’ll hear a lot of people say that the extra cost just doesn’t justify it and you should just go with a double pane window instead. Well, the truth is that triple pane windows absolutely can be a good investment, depending on when you’re planning to move out of your home or even if you are at all.
If you’re going to be staying in your home for upwards of 10 years you’re absolutely going to start seeing a return on investment over double pane windows. That’s because that’s how long it takes for the energy savings that you’re going to get to counter the amount of extra that it’s going to cost to upgrade double pane to triple pane windows. If you’re only planning to stay for a few years or you’re planning to sell the house it’s generally not worth it to put in triple pane windows. Putting in double panes will make the house a whole lot more energy efficient and it’s going to be enough for most buyers.
Now, there are some other benefits that go along with triple pane windows, so you may want to reconsider this if you’re selling some houses. For example, if you live in a very noisy area that extra pane of glass may help keep the noise out, which might make someone more inclined to buy your home. If you live in an extremely sunny area you might want that extra layer because you might feel like it’s providing you with a bit more protection against those UV lights than a double pane window.
In general, there are some people who just prefer to have triple layer windows because they want to make sure that they’re getting the absolute best available. Maybe you’re not quite sure which windows are going to be the best option but you want to keep looking until you find out. You should definitely take a look at both double and triple pane windows and see which ones you feel the most comfortable with. If you can afford the upgrade those triple panes might be an even better option. On the other hand, if you are trying to save some money they might not be the way to go.
If you’re looking for someone to install new windows for you or help you make the right decision when it comes to double versus triple pane windows then you should call Energy Window Solutions of Dallas, TX. We can send someone over to your house to answer all of your questions about new windows and just what it’s going to take for you to get the absolute best results. Maybe double panes are all you need. Maybe triple panes are going to work for you better. The answer is going to be up to your specific situation.
When you give us a call we’ll send someone out to work with you and make sure that you’re getting windows that you can count on. You want to make sure that you have something that you’re going to like and that is going to make your home a whole lot more comfortable for everyone living in it. So, how do you make sure of that? You get the best quality products that you can from the best company around. Give us a call at Energy Window Solutions and find out more about what we can do for you.