Top Options In Energy Efficient Windows | Plano, TX

Top Options In Energy Efficient Windows | Plano, TX

Are you trying to decide what type of windows you want for your Plano, TX home? There are so many different styles to choose from that it can be difficult to decide which one is best. But two of the top styles you’re going to find are double-hung (or single-hung) and casement windows. These each give you a different look and feel that will really make a difference for your home and help you create the overall style that you’re looking for. You’ll be more than happy with the results either way, but each has a little different profile.

Casement Windows

First up are casement windows. These windows are designed to open on the side and specifically they open at up to a 45-degree angle. Commonly these windows are used on the side of other windows. That might be double and single-hung windows or picture windows (or something else entirely). They can be used on their own however and they create a good breeze by letting air flow in from the side. They also have a strong airtight seal all the way around, which makes them better for your home’s energy efficiency.

Casement windows provide great circulation and they actually have less size to the overall opening than a comparative double-hung window. That means you’re going to get some good airflow, but you’re not going to have quite as much energy loss even when the windows are fully open.

Double-hung Windows

These windows are designed to fit smoothly into your wall and then open up and down rather than sideways. With single-hung windows, the window itself only opens in one direction (sliding up) but with double-hung windows, they open by sliding up or down and can therefore be even easier to clean. They are the standard when it comes to windows and most homes will be filled with at least single-hung but often double-hung windows. They are convenient, and they’re a good option for just about any room or space in your home.

These are great energy efficient options and since they’re easy to use they’re a great way to make your house feel complete. You will likely have these types of windows already in your home and you can easily replace them to get a more updated version of your current look.

Making Your Choice

The truth is you can’t go wrong with energy efficient windows in either of these styles. You’ll be able to create the perfect look for your home, one that you really enjoy, in no time at all. All you have to do is make sure that you’re comparing your current look with the look you want for the future. Working with a professional team will help you in deciding on the right windows for your space and then some. Plus, you can take advantage of all of the latest options to really create a fun experience for your home.

Making your choice will generally start with considering the look you want for your Plano, TX home. Do you want something that looks more standard but is still sleek and stylish? Or do you something that’s a little more elegant? Of course, you can dress up either of these window styles to get either of these options as well, but you’re definitely going to get the most by sticking to what’s considered the standard for each. There’s no reason to sacrifice, however. You should get the look and feel that you want either way.

When it comes to cleaning either of these types of windows you’ll have an easy enough time of it. That’s because double-hung windows tilt inward to make cleaning easy and because casement windows go out you can easily reach both sides of the window to clean. This feature is equal for both styles of energy efficient windows. The key is simply which is more convenient for you.

Next, you’ll find that both of these types of energy efficient windows are durable, though double-hung windows are slightly more durable than the casement style because of the way that they are designed. That doesn’t mean that casement windows aren’t going to last. It just means you may get a little more longevity out of a double-hung window.

And while we’re talking about energy efficiency, you should know that casement windows are the slightly better energy efficient windows. They offer you a better seal all the way around, which means less energy is going to be able to seep out of these windows while they are closed. That’s going to save you quite a bit over the long haul, even if you don’t notice it early on. No matter what you decide, you’ll have good energy efficient windows overall.

Working with the Right Team

So, what do you need to know about those energy efficient windows now? You need to know where you’re going to get them. Energy efficient windows are designed to give you everything you’re looking for in a sleek fit and style for your home. You don’t want to sacrifice on the look just to save money in the long run and you don’t have to if you know where to go. All you need to do is call Energy Window Solutions to find out more about our process and how to get started for yourself.

We can help you choose high quality, energy efficient windows that will create the perfect aesthetic for you. Whether you want casement windows, double-hung windows, or something else entirely, we’ll make sure you’re ready to go in no time. So, make sure you’re giving us a call to get started. You have plenty of options for energy efficient windows, so don’t feel like you have to choose something you don’t absolutely love. Instead, pour over all of the options with someone from our team. Just schedule an appointment and we can get started on the process before you know it. Your Plano, TX home deserves all the best don’t you think?

Photo By Dolores M. Harvey at Shutterstock