Triple Pane Windows: Why They Are The Best Option For Your Home | Flower Mound, TX

Triple Pane Windows: Why They Are The Best Option For Your Home | Flower Mound, TX

Photo By urfinguss at istock

About 40 percent of the U.S energy consumption is used for heating and cooling buildings. Heat gain or heat loss through old and inefficient windows contributes up to 25 to 30 percent of the total energy used in heating or cooling a home. For this reason, homeowners are looking for ways to minimize monthly energy bills in their homes.

The type of windows you buy will affect the energy efficiency and thermal performance of your home. Investing in triple pane windows is the only way to save energy, which reduces energy bills. Therefore, when shopping for new windows, the number of panes should be your top priority.

Triple pane windows have three glass layers to enhance their insulation properties. Apart from being energy efficient, these windows also boost the outlook of your home and its resale value. If you have old windows and need to upgrade them, here is why you should go for these windows.

Energy Efficiency

The main reason why Flower Mound, TX, dwellers choose to replace old windows is to lower energy costs. These windows have three panes, making them more energy efficient than dual pane windows. If you live in colder regions, these windows can be an option and can save you two to three percent on heating bills. The air spaces between the glass layers reduce heat transmission to the inside or outside your home.

As a result, your home will have consistent temperatures in both the summer and winter months. If that’s the case, you may not have to depend too much on your HVAC system. Less energy consumption means less burnt fuel, and that protects the environment and increases energy savings.

Additionally, triple pane windows have lower U-values, making them insulate more against heat loss. If your windows have a high U-Value, it means you’re losing too much energy and paying for what escapes. To maximize energy savings, your should opt for windows with a low U-factor.

Make Home More Comfortable

Your Flower Mound, TX, should always be comfortable even during harsh winters or hot summers. Nothing can be more irritating than a drafty window on a windy or chilly night in the December holidays. Sitting next to a fireplace can be less romantic if you have to wear extra clothing to keep you warm because you have drafty windows.

Apart from making you uncomfortable, your heating and cooling unit may have to overwork to keep your home at the desired temperatures. Triple pane windows can help regulate indoor temperature without the added stress to your HVAC system that older windows cause. With these windows, you can sit anywhere in your home and feel comfortable, regardless of the outside temperatures.

Protect from UV Rays

Single pane windows allow a lot of sunlight to penetrate your home. As more UV light passes through your windows each day, it can fade clothes, furniture, and floors. Also, it may affect light-sensitive individuals.

Triple pane windows can protect your household items from fading. These windows have a coating that filters harmful sunlight and allows natural light to enter. Triple-glazed windows can block up 95 percent of UV rays, and you can hardly see any fading or damages in your home.

Reduce Condensation

Condensation is common in rooms that have high humidity levels, including, kitchen and bathroom. When the moisture levels are high and, the outside temperatures are low, you can spot water puddles on your windows. Moisture forms when warm air meets a cold surface. The presence of moisture on your indoor windows can accelerate the formation of mold and mildew, which can damage window frames and the interior walls.

Frosty or foggy windows can also affect visibility and make your home look unpleasant. Triple pane windows can minimize condensation in your Flower Mound, TX home. The extra insulation maintains the surface temperature above the dew point, thus reducing the chances of condensation. You can also use dehumidifiers to regulate moisture levels inside your home.

Noise Reduction

Do you reside in a busy street? If so, then you may be forced to listen to unwanted noises daily. A lot of noise is not just annoying but can also affect your hearing or cause stress. But if you wish to have a peaceful home, be sure to invest in triple pane windows. These windows have both insulation properties and sound-proofing features.

Triple pane windows absorb sounds instead of transmitting them. Therefore, if your home is near a city or a school, consider installing such windows. By doing so, you may not have to worry about a neighbor playing too loud music or mowing the lawn.

Low Maintenance

Unlike plumbing fixtures and electrical appliances that require routine upkeep to enhance their performance, triple pane windows require minimum to no maintenance. Well-insulated windows reduce condensation on windows, thereby minimizing the chances of mildew formation.

The glass coating can also protect your windows from dirt and dust, thus reducing maintenance and clean-up costs. Standard windows need regular upkeep to ensure they remain in good condition. Installing triple glazed windows can boost the resell value of your home because homeowners prefer houses that require less maintenance.

Increase Security

Because regular windows have a single glass layer, they are more prone to break-ins than dual or triple glazed windows. If your home still has old windows, don’t risk it anymore. Consider adding extra panes to your windows to ensure your family and property are safe both day and night.

It will be difficult for intruders to break through three layers of glass. In addition to security, well-insulated windows can also safeguard your home from strong wind and harsh weather. Install them today and worry no more about thefts.

Ready To Upgrade Your Windows?

Whether you live in Flower Mound, TX, or its surroundings, triple pane windows are a perfect choice for your home. Energy efficiency, sound-proofing properties, and security are some benefits you can never ignore. Windows also play a role in protecting your house from outside weather elements. So, when you think it’s time for new windows in your home, make sure you choose triple-glazed windows. Buying these windows may be a bit expensive, but their long-term benefits are worth their higher price. At Energy Window Solutions, we offer energy-saving windows and help you with the installation. Our skilled experts can advise you on the right product for your home. Call us today.