What Makes Up Triple Pane Windows? | Dallas, TX
Triple pane windows are definitely starting to become the most popular and some of the most talked about options for windows. That’s partially because they’re so energy efficient, and they provide a lot of great benefits for homeowners. But just what are these types of windows, and how do they actually work? The truth is, they work pretty easily, and understanding them is actually quite simple as well. You just need to take a look at the different layers that go into this type of window.
Layer 1: Glass
The first layer of triple pane windows is glass. This layer of glass is exactly the same as the single pane windows that you may already have in your home. Or it might be treated to make it a little more UV resistant and to ensure that it’s strong enough to withstand (at least a little) force.
Layer 2: Gasses
Argon or Krypton are the two most commonly used types of gas in triple pane windows. Argon is less expensive, but Krypton is more effective. The specific type of gas that’s used will depend on the type of window you purchase and the company that makes it.
Layer 3: Glass
Next, is the third layer, which is the second piece of glass. This is going to be exactly like the first layer, and it sandwiches the layer of gas in the middle. If you had a double pane window, it would stop here. You’d have two layers of glass and one layer of gas in the middle.
Layer 4: Gasses
This is another layer of either the Argon or Krypton gas. It does the same thing as the first layer of gas does and provides yet another barrier that anything (like UV) would have to get through in order to get in or out of your home. This is yet another layer of protection that helps keep your home more comfortable.
Layer 5: Glass
The final layer is another layer of glass. Once again, this is the same type of glass as the other two layers were, and it sandwiches that second layer of gas in between panes of glass. So a triple pane window is exactly what it sounds like, three layers of glass, but with two layers of gas in the middle.
Why Triple Pane Windows?
Why are these windows such a good idea? And why are they so popular? Well, they’re popular because they work for exactly what they’re designed to do. Triple pane windows are designed to keep the energy that’s in your Dallas, TX home where it belongs. And to keep the energy that’s outside of your home where it belongs as well.
By keeping energy where it’s supposed to be, you’ll be saving a whole lot of money. That’s because you don’t need to worry about paying extra for energy that you’re not actually using. That’s what happens when you don’t have high quality windows, after all.
Triple pane windows are the best protection level that you can get, except if you decide to get those windows enhanced by choosing Energy Star rated windows. Or windows that are specially treated Low-E. These windows are going to build on the benefits of standard versions of these windows to give you even more protection.
Is It Worth It?
So, are triple pane windows worth the investment? Well, the truth is that triple pane windows definitely will be an investment. And whether they’re worth it or not is going to depend on you and what you’re looking for.
If you’re planning to sell your home, these windows may be worth it because they can help improve the overall value of your home. That means you may be able to sell your home for more money than you would otherwise. But for some, this is a large investment to make in order to sell their home. Double pane windows may be an option or even offer a ‘window allowance’ in the selling price.
If you’re planning on staying in your home for an extended period of time, it can definitely be a good idea to invest in high quality windows, and triple pane windows may be exactly what you need. That’s because these windows are going to save you a whole lot more than you spend in the long run. But you’ll need to talk with a professional about the benefits and drawbacks for your home specifically.
For those who aren’t really sure about their future with their current home, it’s a good idea to talk with a professional. They may be able to help you see if these windows are the right option for your Dallas, TX home. And if they aren’t, then a professional can help you decide what you should be doing instead.
In general, whether you want to invest in these windows or not is going to be up to you. But if you’re not quite sure, a professional can go over the options with you. You just need to know who you’re going to talk to and what you’re actually looking for in the process.
Where to Go
With Energy Window Solutions in Dallas, TX, you’re going to have the best option for all of your window needs. The key is making sure you know what you’re getting and whether this type of window is going to be the right one for your home. After all, you want to be able to enjoy your home, but you also want to make sure that you are making quality investments. So, how do you know what you’re getting yourself into? Give us a call and find out more today.
Our team can help you make all the decisions you need when it comes to your next windows. Whether you decide on triple pane, double pane, or something else, we can help you along. And we’ll get your new windows installed in no time. All you have to do is call to schedule it.