Why You Need Replacement Windows in Plano for Your House

Why You Need Replacement Windows in Plano for Your House

Replacing house windows is an overwhelming task that we all like to delay for as long as possible. However, getting replacement windows is inevitable. Sure, windows are made to last for a long time but, like everything else, they cannot last forever. There comes a time when your house windows are beyond repair and you have no choice but to replace them.

One common mistake that a lot of homeowners make is that they wait too long to get replacement windows. In most cases, waiting too long can cause irreparable damage. So, how do you decide when it is time to get new replacement windows in Plano for your house? Scroll down to read about all the telltale signs that indicate that it’s time to call in the window experts to install replacement windows in Plano.     

Damaged Glass

A glass pane is an integral part of a window. However, it can break easily, especially the ones that are of lower quality. A broken glass pane is perhaps the most obvious sign that you need replacement windows. Once the glass is broken, the window cannot perform any of its intended functions, allowing dust, dirt, moisture, and rain inside your house.

Most people fail to realize that living in a house with a broken window is not only inconvenient but also dangerous. Even if the glass is only cracked, it is still a serious safety for everyone living in the house. Furthermore, a broken window allows easy access to the house, making it an attractive target for street criminals. This makes it extremely important to consider replacement windows in Plano at the first sign of damaged glass.

If you often experience broken windows in your house, try to choose a sturdier replacement windowing Plano because some styles are more prone to damage than others. Also, opt for the best quality glass to make sure it does not shatter easily on impact or you can always install shutter windows to ensure that your glass remains protected at all time.

Broken Frame

A window frame is what keeps your window together, keeping it fixed in the wall. It is an important part of the structure of your window and any sort of damage to the frame requires immediate attention. The thing with fixing a broken frame is that the earlier you do it, the better it is. This is important because a damaged frame can allow moisture to reach the wood that holds the window together. Once this part of the window is damaged, you will have to spend extra money and effort to fix the wood before you can fit your replacement windows in Plano.

Also, keep in mind that spotting a damaged frame is a little trickier than spotting other types of window damages. A cursory look may not be sufficient to detect a damaged frame, especially if it is painted. Sure, sometimes the damage is quite evident, but in most cases, you need a keen eye to spot it.

So, what are the main reasons that cause a frame to decay in the first place? Well, 90% of the time, moisture is the reason behind a decayed or damaged frame. It is important to understand that moisture buildup can deteriorate the quality of wood to the extent that the damage is irreparable and you have no choice but to get replacement windows.

Remember, a broken frame can pose a serious threat to the residents of the house. First of all, it lets in moisture that leads to the growth of mold in the house. Keep in mind that mold is harmful to health, especially for people who struggle allergies and respiratory diseases like asthma.

Also, a damaged frame can cause your windows to leak. So, don’t be surprised if you find a puddle of water in your house, right below the window, in the rainy season. Since a damaged frame lets in water and moisture, it can damage the walls of your house. You may find unappealing watermarks on the wall that will work to decrease the overall aesthetic appeal of your house.

Keeping all these factors in mind, a broken frame should be replaced as soon as possible by getting good quality replacement windows for your house from only trusted and tested window retailer of Plano.

Damaged Mechanical Parts

Windows are generally designed to be opened and closed as per the requirements of the homeowner. If your windows are “stuck”, it may be time to get a replacement window! Keep in mind that one of the major purposes of installing a window is to allow proper air ventilation in the house. If a window is stuck closed, it will not be able to allow air ventilation, creating a stuffy atmosphere in the house.

On the other hand, if a window is stuck open, it is almost as good as broken because it will not be able to keep the rain, dirt, and dust out of the house. This makes it important to consider getting replacement windows if you find that you are unable to open or close your windows.

It is important to understand that the most common reason behind stuck windows is damaged or broken mechanical parts, which operate the window. For example, the sash might be broken or the springs might have been damaged. In cases, your best option is to contact a window expert for consultation. If the damage is beyond repair, you need to get replacement windows in Plano for your house.

High Energy Bills

Do you think you are getting unusually high energy bills? Your windows might be the culprit here! In most cases, old house windows are single paned. On the other hand, the modern energy efficient windows can help cut down energy bills by conserving energy. According to an estimate, installing energy efficient windows can reduce the cost of heating or cooling the house by up to 50%. This makes it an economical investment and a good option to consider getting energy efficient replacement windows in Plano for your house.

Contact only the most trusted window experts to buy replacement windows. Check out Energy Window Solutions for a free consultation and to get the best replacement windows in town.