Are New Triple Pane Windows Worth It For Your Home? | Flower Mound, TX

Are New Triple Pane Windows Worth It For Your Home? | Flower Mound, TX

The answer may surprise you, because the answer is that they might be, but they might not. You may be able to get everything you need with double pane windows instead. But you’ll want to take a look at the different features and benefits that go along with your window choices. When you do, you’re going to have no problem finding something that looks great and helps you get the experience you’re looking for.

Save on Energy Bills

The first thing you’re going to notice is that you save on energy bills. Now, you can get savings on energy with double pane windows and triple pane windows (if you’re moving up a step along the way). In fact, for some people getting double pane windows over single pane windows is enough of a savings and they decide that they don’t want to make the investment in triple pane windows. But you will save significantly more if you decide to take that next step. It’s all about deciding on the balance that you want.

Triple pane windows are going to be a bigger investment than double panes, which can be a little too much for some people. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore the investment entirely. As mentioned, you can see some bigger savings when it comes to your energy bills because triple pane options will provide even more protection and insulation for your home.

Improve Your Comfort

Have you ever noticed that your home has hot and cold spots in it? And those hot and cold spots are generally near the windows? That’s because your current windows are not keeping out the air from outside. They’re letting it seep through the seals. That’s costing you money (which we mentioned above) but it’s also costing you comfort. Neither of those are things that you want to deal with because they’re going to cause you and your family to stop enjoying part of your home. You deserve to enjoy all of your Flower Mound, TX home, right?

When you get new double or triple pane windows you’re going to have the opportunity to improve your comfort. You’ll have fresh new seals around your windows and you’ll be able to sit next to them without having to worry about any air leaking. That works no matter which type of new windows you get because it’s actually about the seals more than anything.

Decrease Sun Damage

With older windows that don’t have as many panels (like single pane windows especially), you’ll find that you get a lot of sunlight coming through. While this isn’t a problem on its own, you also get a lot of the actual UV rays coming through and those can damage your belongings. That light actually causes all of your ‘stuff’ inside your home to experience sun bleaching. This could be your furniture, your carpeting or rugs, or anything else you keep near the window.

Whenever you have the windows open you’re running the risk of these problems. Once again, double pane windows can help, but triple pane windows are going to do even more. They’re going to help keep out even more of the sun’s rays. And that gets even more protection when you choose windows that are coated to keep out more of that UV.

Improve the Value

You can actually increase the value of your home by adding double pane windows, but you could end up increasing it even more by adding triple pane. If you’re planning on staying in your Flower Mound, TX home for a long time this might not be as big of a deal for you. After all, increasing the value of your home when you want to remain there isn’t going to do anything. You haven’t gotten any improvement for that (though the improvements in other areas will definitely be a benefit to this as well).

On the other hand, if you’re looking to sell your home then getting triple pane windows can be a great option. Those new windows, and the best that you can get, are going to improve the value of your home. And when you improve the value of your home you’re increasing your potential selling price. This can be a benefit because new windows, and especially highly energy efficient ones, mean that the person buying your home doesn’t need to worry about replacing the windows anytime soon and they’re more likely to pay for that benefit.

Improve the Noise

Do you have a lot of noise outside your home? Maybe you live by a busy street or you just have noisy neighbors. Maybe you live close to an industrial or commercial area or maybe you’re near train tracks. No matter where you are, if you notice that you have a lot of noise around your house and it seeps into the house you probably want a way to improve that, right? You want to know how you can cut down on all that noise and start enjoying your home, right? Well, triple pane windows can help with that.

While double pane windows can be a benefit and will help decrease noise, triple pane windows are going to do even more because there are more layers for that noise to try to get through. That’s going to make a benefit for you and keep your home a whole lot more comfortable.

What To Do

If you’re in the market for brand new windows make sure you call Energy Window Solutions in Flower Mound, TX. Our team can help you understand the different window options available to you, including triple pane windows. And then we can help you get those new windows installed in no time. All you need to do is make sure that you are giving us a call right away. From there, we make sure that your windows are going to make a big improvement for your home and help you and your family enjoy that home again.

Photo By Jason Finn at istock