Benefits of Triple Pane Windows | Energy Efficient Windows in Dallas Fort Worth

Benefits of Triple Pane Windows | Energy Efficient Windows in Dallas Fort Worth

The end game for every house owner is to save as much money as possible while minimizing energy losses. You can buy the most efficient air conditioner or HVAC equipment in the world, and the problem of rising utility bills will continue to boggle your mind. This is because most homeowners don’t take into account important variables that are responsible for ballooning bills. Experts argue that one of the most important variables is the type of glass used for windows.

Energy efficient windows in Dallas Fort Worth aren’t just installed for superficial reasons such as home décor. They could be the difference between high and low energy bills.  Window panels evolved from having single panes, to dual panes and eventually triple panes; each additional pane offering an added layer of insulation to heat transfer.

Single Paned Windows

As the name suggests, single plane windows are comprised of a single sheet of glass which is barely 4 mm to 10 mm thick. The range of thickness might inhibit some form of heat conduction but they are largely ineffective at doing so. Your air conditioner will struggle to keep your room within their designated range of temperatures because too much energy is transferring to and from your single paned window. This results in increased bills. Manufacturers realized there is a room for improvement in the design of their windows, and that inspiration set the next stage of evolution in energy efficient windows in Dallas Fort Worth.

Double glazed windows

Double glazed window are composed of two panes of glass which stacked on top each other, they are separated by a distance of a few millimeters. This distance is the key difference between double glazed windows and their older counterpart. The space is occupied by vacuum, air and even heat resistant gases such as argon gas. Experts observed that this arrangement allowed them to achieve an improvement of over 100%, provided that the double glazed windows are manufactured to within a certain degree of accuracy. The resulting overall thermal efficiency is a whopping 80%, which means homeowners can expect significantly reduced energy bills.

Double glazed windows are obviously more expensive than single pane windows, but they more than make up for this large price differential due to their construction. Over the course of a few months, they will save the average household several thousands of pounds because the cooling unit does less work than before to provide the same level of cooling.

Homeowners will no longer have to bare the scorching summer heat waves due to the fear of electricity bills anymore, because their cooling unit is able to do its job without the same level of effort and does what it promises. Double glazed windows make your house or workplace more efficient because they restrict the flow of heat into and out of your house.

Because of this amazing feat, double glazed windows gradually became the standard of choice for homeowners and businesses alike. But there was still room for improvement when it came to energy efficient windows in Dallas Fort Worth…what if we tinkered around with the original idea and added one more layer of glass?

Triple pane windows

Manufacturers realized that in order to set themselves apart from the competition, it was ideal to utilize an added layer of glass, they suitably call it, triple pane windows. And this obviously necessitates increased energy efficiency and as a result, higher savings.

To make them more efficient, triple pane windows in Dallas Fort Worth typically come installed with Argon gas instead of air, which is a very good insulator of heat and has a low conductivity. The best part is that while Argon is completely invisible to the human eye, it allows sunlight to enter inside the house but inhibits the transmission of energy – but it is more expensive, as expected.

Most homeowners install two or even three air conditioners when their single unit fails to get the job done. They don’t realize that triple pane windows in Dallas Fort Worth are a much cheaper option and, metaphorically speaking, double as an additional layer of cooling. They do so without taking up additional space in the house or consuming units of electricity. Triple pane windows are truly a remarkable piece of technology which brings the best of thermal engineering and latest window tech solutions to minimize costs.

The less use we make of air conditioners, the lower is the propensity of releasing toxic fumes into the air, which is good for the planet.

Double Pane or Tripe Pane? A costly dilemma

Once homeowners decide that they need to install energy efficient windows in Dallas Fort Worth, they are faced with the dilemma of choosing between double pane and triple pane windows. Both of them promise significant improvement when it comes to energy savings, but triple pane windows are a costlier affair. Double pane windows prevent 90% of heat from the outside and only 10% manages to get in. The opposite is true on a cold day, and 90% of the heat from your heater remains inside the house while only 10% exits out. By comparison, triple pane windows increase that number to 97% and only allow 3% to pass through. Triple pane windows cost a third more as compared to double pane windows, which means that homeowners would likely ignore the 7% improvement and go for the more economical double pane windows.

But when you’re dealing with a large conglomerate or group of companies, each of which have colossal skyscrapers and offices to cool and heat, that 7% improvement offered by triple pane windows quickly becomes the better option than double pane counterparts.

Getting that new window installed by professionals is also equally important

After having weighed the pros and cons of triple pane windows in comparison to double pane windows, regardless of which decision you have made, if you feel that your home needs an improvement in terms of energy savings and noise reductions, then it is highly recommended to use Energy Window Solutions who have been in the business for decades in Dallas Fort Worth. They will audit your house and suggest the most suitable options. Give us a call today!