How Can Homeowners Benefit From Triple Pane Windows? | Flower Mound, TX

How Can Homeowners Benefit From Triple Pane Windows? | Flower Mound, TX

Are you aware of how much energy is lost through your windows? Around 18 to 20% of heated air within your home is lost through your windows, which is why it’s important to make sure you have the right kind of windows installed. When you have regular windows that are leaky, your HVAC system will also work harder and this can reduce the efficiency of your unit. If you want to conserve energy and save money, we recommend switching to triple pane windows for your home. In this article, we’ll talk about how a homeowner can benefit from switching to triple pane windows.

Advantages of Triple Glazed

Below are the reasons why triple pane windows are the best choice. If you’re planning to install one for your home, make sure you only work with an experienced installer.

Have a Quieter Home

Are you aware that triple pane windows prevent sound transmission? This means you don’t get to hear the noises outside, the noises will be minimal when you switch to these kinds of windows. They are more soundproof because of the extra pane of glass, so if you prefer a quieter home, we recommend switching to these types of windows. If you’re planning to switch, work with professional installers only to ensure the windows are properly installed.

Increases Value of Your Home

Homebuyers these days prefer a more energy-efficient home because of the savings they get. They like homes with tankless water heaters, energy-efficient roofs and Energy Star appliances. If you’re planning to sell your home in the future, we recommend switching to triple pane windows. You’ll be able to attract more buyers and may even demand a higher price for your home. But your windows have to be properly installed to avoid problems down the road. Windows that aren’t properly installed can lead to problems including drafts and air leaks.

You Conserve More Energy

Because of the three sheets of glass, this means triple pane windows create a thicker barrier between your home and the air outside. The three sheets of glass help reduce the risk of drafts and hot spots, making your windows more energy-efficient than the single-pane and double-pane.

Another reason they are more energy-efficient is that the gaps in between the sheets of glass are filled with insulating gas or argon. Don’t worry about this kind of gas though because it isn’t dangerous.

Additionally, in case the other sheet of glass gets damaged, your triple-glazed windows will still be efficient. If you have a double pane and one sheet of glass is either chipped or cracked, you lose most of the benefits because the insulating gas will escape. This won’t happen with the triple pane windows. Just make sure to work with a professional and experienced installer so that your windows are properly and correctly installed.

Your HVAC System Can Rest

As mentioned, your heating or cooling system will not have to work harder when you have energy-efficient windows. This means that you get to maximize the service life of your heating or cooling system, saving you more money down the road. The only downside to installing triple pane windows is that they can be expensive compared to regular windows. However, because of the benefits you’re getting, installing triple-glazed windows is actually more beneficial as you get to save more money in the long run.

Choosing the Right Installation Company

If your old windows are showing signs it’s damaged or they’re already old, it might be time to get new windows for your home. Deciding to get the triple-glazed windows is just the first step. The next step is in choosing the right window installers to ensure your windows are properly installed. So how do you choose the right company for it?


How long have they been serving your area? It’s always best to work with a company that has years of experience in the industry. Energy Window Solutions has been helping customers for 30 years, making us experts in the field. You can trust us with your windows because we always prioritize our customers and we never cut corners when it comes to installing new windows.

Look for References

Can they provide you with a list of satisfied customers? One way to find out if they can indeed get the job done is to talk to their previous clients. We have a long list of satisfied customers on our website. We even have positive testimonials from our clients. This is because we are serious about our jobs. Rest assured, we only employ experienced and highly trained window installers. Our team works hard to get the job done right the first time.

Look for Certifications

Are they really who they say they are? It’s always best to ensure you’re actually hiring the right professionals for the job. Try to look for certifications or proof that they are experienced installers or that they have worked with several clients in the past.

Contact Energy Window Solutions Today

Can’t decide whether it’s time to switch to triple pane windows? Let us help you. We have a team of experienced professionals who can visit your location and inspect your current windows. We’ll let you know if it’s time to get new windows for your home or if you should just stick to the old windows. We are an established company that has been serving customers in Flower Mound and surrounding areas for 30 years. We can help install different window types and Energy Star windows. Talk to us so we can help you make an informed decision on which types of windows to install for your home or if you want to know more about our services.

Call us at Energy Window Solutions today for a free estimate.

Check our previous blog on this topic here.

Photo By Zhanna Kavaliova at Shutterstock