How To Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly With Triple Pane Windows | Fort Worth, TX

How To Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly With Triple Pane Windows | Fort Worth, TX

Photo By hikesterson at istock

Many homeowners are worried about climate change and are looking for ways to make their homes more energy efficient. Taking small steps such as recycling, growing your own vegetables, or even investing in triple pane windows can help you reduce your carbon footprint and improve the world we live in.

If you live in Fort Worth, TX, and are searching for triple pane windows, you may like to contact Energy Windows Solutions. These windows can make your home more energy efficient and save you money on your monthly utility bills.

Whether you’re looking to make dramatic home improvements such as having these windows installed or want to make small changes to your lifestyle, there are many things you can do to make your home more energy efficient. Let’s look at some of the most common ways homeowners reduce their environmental impact.

Triple Pane Windows

One of the best ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency is to invest in triple pane windows. If you live in a cold climate, triple pane windows can help to keep warm air inside your home and cold air out. Reducing drafts from your windows will mean that you’ll use less heating and save on your energy bills.

Installing triple pane windows comes with a significant financial outlay. Many homeowners find that they can recoup their initial investment as they save money on their monthly bills.

Grow Some of Your Own Vegetables

Our food travels thousands of miles from where it grows until it eventually ends up on our plates. These food miles create pollution and use energy. If you’re interested in saving the environment, it’s a good idea to buy locally grown produce where possible.

You may also like to grow some of your own vegetables. You could start a kitchen garden and grow tomatoes, carrots, and herbs to add to your meals. Kids love getting involved in gardening, and you’ll also help reduce the amount of plastic packaging you use. Homegrown veg also helps reduce food miles and waste.

Environmental Awareness on Social Media

Social media is a fantastic platform for encouraging change. You can use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to spread the word about how you’ve made your home more environmentally friendly. You may like to create memes or look up statistics with your children to help start a movement with their friends.

Revamp Your Old Clothes

The fashion industry causes a huge amount of greenhouse gas emissions globally. If you’re thinking of throwing out old clothes, ensure that you recycle where possible. You can also have an arts and crafts day with your friends or children. Try revamping old t-shirts, perhaps try tie-dying or make a cushion cover from old clothing. There are many ways to give old clothes a new lease of life.

Install Solar Panels

If you’re serious about making your home more energy efficient and environmentally friendly, you may even consider having solar panels installed on your property. Solar panels are a great way to generate energy if you live in a hot climate. They are usually installed on the roof so that they catch the full sun. Once installed, solar panels require little maintenance and can even earn you some money if you produce excess power, which you can sell back to the grid.

Don’t Leave Devices on Standby

Many people leave TVs, laptops or devices on standby. This uses excess energy, particularly if you leave devices on all night. Try not to leave your cell phone on charge all night as this will use more power.

Light Bulbs

You may also like to replace incandescent or halogen light bulbs with LEDs. LEDs use up to a staggering 90% less energy. They also have a lifespan of up to fifteen times longer.

Clean Your Household Appliances

Did you know that dust can affect the energy efficiency of many appliances? When dust or dirt builds up, your devices will have to use more power to do the same job. This can prove to be costly if all your appliances are dusty.

The good news is that giving your appliances a quick spring clean can help make your home more energy efficient. It’s a good idea to regularly clean your washing machine, dryer, and air conditioner filters. This will help them to run at peak efficiency.

It’s also wise to dust your radiator columns, especially if they’ve been turned off all summer. This will allow heat to flow more freely. You can also wipe down the coils that are located at the back of your fridge. This will mean that the refrigerator’s motor won’t have to work so hard to keep your food cool. It’s a good idea to do this job twice annually.

Adjust Your Thermostat

If you’re looking to make your home more energy efficient and save yourself money on your utility bills, you should consider turning down your thermostat. Turning your heating down by just one degree can make a big difference to your bills.

You can also try moving your furniture away from the radiators, as this can help to increase the room’s temperature. This will allow you to turn down your thermostat and reduce your bills without ending up feeling cold.

It’s also a good idea to turn off any radiators that are located in rooms that aren’t in use. Bleed your radiators annually as this will help them to run efficiently and will mean that you’re not wasting energy.

Energy Window Solutions, Triple Pane Windows

If you live in Fort Worth, TX, and are searching for triple pane windows, don’t hesitate to contact Energy Windows Solutions. Triple pane windows can make your home more energy efficient and can also save you money on your monthly utility bills.

To find out more about having your windows replaced, contact Energy Window Solutions today on 972-290-1848!