When Is it a Good Time for a Window Replacement? | Replacement Windows in Murphy, TX

When Is it a Good Time for a Window Replacement? | Replacement Windows in Murphy, TX

The windows of a home provide us with light, warmth along with shielding us from the outside elements. But, they can also have a negative impact on our lives if we go for sub-standard replacement windows in Murphy, TX. While there are many benefits of getting high performance windows for your home, the following are some of the things that homeowners need to keep in mind when choosing a window replacement in Texas.

When’s a Good Time for a Window Replacement?

Keeping in mind that a window replacement is going to be a significant investment for any homeowner, you will want to make sure you are making the right decision when going for replacement windows in Murphy, TX. The following are some good reasons to get a window replacement:

  • Poor Functionality– Old windows can be aesthetically pleasing but if they’re not functioning properly, it is time to consider getting replacement windows in Murphy, TX. Windows that are squeaky, don’t stay open or require monumental pressure to open should be the first ones to go.
  • Buildup of Condensation– Condensation forms on windows because of the difference in temperature. As cold air comes in contact with the warm glass, it tends to condense on the glass pane. While this can be harmless, if left unchecked, it tends to cause water damage to the frame and the surroundings such as the wall, curtains or more.
  • Gaps in Windows– Insulation challenges can be very real with old windows and it is a good idea to get them replaced. If you feel a draft, a cold spot or more near your windows, they might be letting the indoor heat escape. It can make a marked difference in your indoor environment.

There can be a number of reasons why you would want to get a window replacement in Texas. As a rule of thumb, it is always best to hire the services of an experienced and professional window replacement company who can inspect your home and give you the advice you need when it comes to replacement windows in Murphy, TX.

What About the Window Frame?

This is something that homeowners in Texas get confused about. While many homeowners tend to only focus on getting the window pane fixed, it is also advised to get the frame replaced as well. That’s because the frame is also responsible for the level of a window’s energy efficiency. In other words, even if you replace the window pane and leave the frame intact, if the frame has gaps in them or is lost its shape due to years of use, it will still result in low efficiency by letting in heat inside from the outdoor environment. When you start looking for new frames for replacement windows in Murphy, TX, you can pick and choose from materials like fiberglass. These are more energy efficient, lightweight, and cheaper and can be used for a number of different windows.

What are Glass Options?

The glass window panes come in different types, styles and sizes. It is advised that homeowners have a good idea about the glass panes they want to use for their home before investing in replacement windows in Murphy, TX. When it comes to glass window panes, there are mainly two types – single-pane windows and double pane windows.Single pane windows are notorious for causing heat loss in homes, higher energy bills and more. While they might be a cost effective option for homeowners, it’s not always a great option.

On the other hand, the double pane windows or even triple pane windows are more expensive but are worth investing in due to their high efficiency rate in keeping out the heat and helping maintain the indoor temperature. The extra pane of glass they have improves performance, insulation and even gives you added security.

Should I Choose Energy Efficient Windows?

Going with energy efficient or eco-friendly products are all the rage these days, and for good reason. Needless to say, using double-pane windows or even triple-pane windows are always going to be better options in terms of energy efficiency and insulation. Their level of energy efficiency is also going to be a lot higher as compared to the single-pane windows, which is one of the reasons why more and more homeowner are opting for the double-pane and triple-pane windows for replacement windows in Murphy, TX.

With energy efficient windows, you can prevent loss of heat by 20% to 25% and you can also reduce your energy consumption. This means that you save money on your energy bills. On average, you can effectively reduce around 45% of your home’s energy bill by getting these windows. Since you are already looking into replacement windows in Murphy, getting energy efficient ones is a good idea.

Call a Professional or DIY Installation?

This is another area that often confuses homeowners in Texas. While something like installing a window could be seen as a simple task that can be carried out at home, homeowners often find out the hard way that’s not the case. Installing a window takes skill and experience, because even the slightest mistake can end up damaging the window pane and resulting in more expense. This is why it is always best to hire the expertise of a professional company that offers replacement windows in Murphy, TX. Not only will you ensure that the window has been properly installed in your home, but you will also get a warranty for the installation.

On the other hand, it is better to work with professionals such as, Energy Window Solutions for replacement windows in Murphy, TX. With their help, you can get proper installation and you don’t have to worry about the issues that poor installation or windows that are not energy efficient. Apart from an expert installation, you can rest assured that your window is going to remain intact for many years to come.